Rosenblatt Lunches 2005
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The Rosenblatt Lunches:
The Rosenblatt Luncheon Series is sponsored by Peggy Battin and Leslie Francis, co-winners of the 2000 Rosenblatt Prize for Excellence. The Rosenblatt Prize for Excellence is an endowed award, given annually to an outstanding member of the faculty of the University of Utah, "... to honor excellence in teaching, in research, and in administrative efforts, collectively or individually, in behalf of the university." The endowment was created to honor Nathan and Tillie Rosenblatt, on the centenary of their immigration to Utah and in recognition of their legacy of civic leadership and generosity. Professors Battin and Francis after winning the Rosenblatt Prize donated a portion of their award to the department to establish the lecture series.
Previous Schedule, Fall 2005:
September 26, Peggy Battin and Leslie Francis, Bioethics and Infectious Disease
October 10, Elijah Millgram, Serial Hyperspecializers, and How They Think
October 31, Deen Chatterjee, Multiculturalism: is the Capabilities Approach Capable?
November 7, Chrisoula Andreou & Manuel Utset (Law), Addictions and Self Control Problems
November 14, Kathrin Koslicki (Tanner Humanities Center and Tufts University), The Structure of Objects
November 21, Chandran Kukathas, A Defense of the Unexamined Life
November 28, Ben Crowe, "Some Things You May Have Wanted to Know About Heidegger but Were Afraid to Ask"