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Undergraduate and Graduate Course Requirements Offered for Summer/Fall 2025

 Please always check with the philosophy academic advisor (Connie Corbett)

Summer/Fall 2025 Philosophy Courses

PHIL 3012-001/Philosophy of Time Travel
Instructor: Waters, Chapman

Area 2 - M&E n/a

PHIL 3012-002/Language & Cognition
Instructor: Barrios, Edison

Area 2 - M&E n/a
PHIL 3013-003/Philosophy of Daodejing
Instructor: Hutton, Eric
Area 3- History Philosophy of Science - History
PHIL 3100-002/ Ancient Greek Philosophy
Instructor: Hutton, Eric
Area 3 - History Philosophy of Science - History
PHIL 3110-001 /Survey of Medieval Philosophy
Instructor:  McBrayer, Landon
Area 3 - History Philosophy of Science - History
PHIL 3120-001/Survey of Early Modern Philosophy
Instructor: Barrios, Edison
Area 3 - History  Philosophy of Science - History
PHIL 3200-090/Deductive Logic
Instructor: Brekel, Josh (summer. online)

PHIL 3200-001/Deductive Logic
Instructor: Haber, Matt (fall)

PHIL 3200-090/Deductive Logic
Instructor: Barrios, Edison (fall, online)
Area 4 - Logic Philosophy of Science - Logic
PHIL 3210-001/Inductive Logic
Instructor: Waters, Chapman
Area 4 - Logic Philosophy of Science - Logic
PHIL 3300-001/Theory of Knowledge
Instructor: Millgram, Elijah
Area 2 - M&E n/a
PHIL 3310-090/Science & Society
Instructor: Smith, Adam (summer, online)

PHIL 3310-001/Science & Society
Instructor: Lowe, Levi (fall), (MWF)

PHIL 3310-002/Science & Society
Instructor: Fagan, Melinda (fall), (T, Th)
Area 2 - M&E Philosophy of Science - Core
PHIL 3320-002/Aesthetics & Philosophy of Play
Instructor: Nguyen, Thi
Area 1 -  Ethics & Value Theory n/a
PHIL 3350-001 - History & Philosophy of Science
Instructor: Schupbach, Jonah
Area 2 - M&E Philosophy of Science (core)
PHIL 3370-001/Philosophy of Biology
Instructor: Fagan, Melinda
Area 2 - M&E Philosophy of Science (core)
PHIL 3375-001/Philosophy of Social Science
Instructor: Genin, Constantin
Area 2 - M&E Philosophy of Science - core

PHIL 3390-001/ Technology & Design Ethics
Instructor:  Nguyen, Thi

Area 1 - Ethics & Value Theory Philosophy of Science - ethics
PHIL 3400-001/ Mind, Language, & Reality
Instructor: Havstad, Joyce
Area 2 - M&E n/a

PHIL 3440-002 - Cognitive Science
Instructor: Robles, Maximino (summer, online)

PHIL 3440-001/  Cognitive Science
Instructor: Washington, Natalia (fall)

Area 2 - M&E Philosophy of Science - core
PHIL 3500-001/ Ethics
Instructor: Hylkema, Caleb (summer)

PHIL 3500-001/Ethics
Instructor: Hylkema, Caleb (fall)
Area 1 - Ethics & Value Theory n/a
PHIL 3510-001/Business Ethics
Instructor: Hoyt, Heather
Area 1 - Ethics & Value Theory n/a
PHIL 3520-090/ Bioethics
Instructor: Lowe, Levi (summer, online)

PHIL 3520-091/Bioethics
Instructor: Harris, Alexis (summer, online)

PHIL 3520-001/Bioethics
Instructor: Kilbride, Madison (fall)
Area 1 - Ethics & Value Theory Philosophy of Science - Ethics
PHIL 3530-090/Environmental Ethics
Instructor: Valenzuela, Mykie (summer)
Area 1 - Ethics & Value Theory Philosophy of Science - ethics
PHIL 3600-001/ Philosophy of Religion
Instructor: Newman, Lex
Area 2 - M&E n/a
PHIL 3700-001/Political Philosophy
Instructor: Nguyen, Thi
Area 1 - Ethics & Value Theory n/a
PHIL 3710 -001/Philosophy of Law
Instructor: Francis, Leslie
Area 1 - Ethics & Value Theory n/a

PHIL 3730-001/Justice & International Affairs
Instructor: Beeghly, Erin

Area 1 - Ethics & Value Theory n/a

PHIL 3810/Existentialism
Instructor: Marsh, Ella

Area 3 - History Philosophy of Science - History

PHIL 3820-001/Meaning of Life
Instructor: Newman, Lex

Area 1 - Ethics & Value Theory n/a
PHIL 4010-001/ Senior Seminar
Instructor: Havstad, Joyce
Capstone n/a
PHIL 5100-001/ Advanced Ancient Philosophy
Instructor: Peterson, Anne
Area 3 - History Philosophy of Science - History

PHIL 5210-001/Advanced Inductive Logic
Instructor: Genin, Constantin

Area 4 - Logic Philosophy of Science - Logic or Capstone requirement (can only fulfill one major requirement)

PHIL 5370-001/  Philosophy of Biology
Instructor: Haber, Matt

Area 2 - M&E Philosophy of Science - Capstone

PHIL 5500-001/ Contemporary Ethical Theory
Instructor: Millgram, Elijah

Area 1 - Ethics & Value Theory n/a


Last Updated: 3/27/25