POBAM Philosophy of Biology
at the Mountains
POBAM Philosophy of Biology at the Mountains
May 14th - 18th, 2018
The Department of Philosophy is hosting a 5-day seminar in conjunction with the Philosophy of Biology at the Mountains (POBAM) Workshop. The seminar is designed for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and other junior scholars in philosophy and biology. The seminar will include background readings and discussion on topics relevant to the workshop talks, and will provide an opportunity for students to engage in depth with the topics and speakers at the workshop.
There are nine seminar sessions scheduled. For each session, the instructor has been
asked to teach to a problem, rather than propose their solution to it. The goal of
each session is to motivate a particular research problem in the philosophy of biology,
and to present tools and other material relevant to addressing that problem. After
the seminar, students will be in a position to engage with the surrounding literature,
and have practical knowledge of how to begin addressing the problems presented.
The seminar begins Monday, May 14 and concludes with the workshop talks on Thursday and Friday, May 17-18.
To register for the course, please add the class through the CIS add/drop procedure as you normally would. This class will satisfy as one of the three courses needed for area 2 major fulfillment and it will satisfy one of the three 5000-level courses needed for major fulfillment.
PHIL 5192/6192-001
Units: 2.0
Summer 2018 - May 14th - 18th, 2018
CTIHB, Room 101 - Building 45 on the campus map.